Do this 1 thing to get back on track!

A man sitting with hands clasped in front of him and head bowed on the bottom step of a stairway with people walking up and down behind him

Have you ever messed up or made a mistake on your way to hitting your goals?

Maybe you said you'd wake up early and you hit snooze on your alarm instead?

Maybe you made the commitment to prospect for two hours and skipped it?

Maybe you said you were going to save money and then bought that plane ticket to Aruba?

Maybe you said you were going to get in the best shape of your life and did not work out when you said you would?

Either way, we've all been there. In the pursuit of our higher selves, we must come face to face with the bad habits, defeating mindsets, and excuses that compelled us to set these goals in the first place.

There is nothing more detrimental to your goals than compromised momentum.

So what do we do once we mess up? (Because let's be honest, we're all bound to mess up sooner or later)

As someone who has helped hundreds turn their ambitions into reality, this one rebound rule has made all the difference.

When you mess up, here is the rule to follow to get back on track:


Whatever that "right thing" is FOR YOU is now your next action step to getting back on track. However small it might be, I don't care - DO IT.

The first reason why the rebound rule is so important is because it gets you back in action - QUICKLY.

Taking action silences that little voice that wants to keep you down.

Before working with me, a financial advisor I knew shared that he kept hitting snooze when he tried to wake up early to start his day. He let the "broken commitment cloud" hover over him. That single, tiny, early morning mistake impacted his mood, his professional life, and created belief barriers that were keeping him from studying. He would walk around so defeated and verbally beat himself up.

Once we identified how that one mistake derailed his entire day, which at that point had turned into weeks... we came up with a game plan to get him back on the saddle.

When he started to apply the rebound rule, he was able to speak to himself with more grace and confidence and he moved through his day more effectively! Today he happily reports that he has passed his financial advisor exams, is climbing the ranks, and is more on track than ever - both personally and professionally!

Another compelling reason why you should apply the rebound principle is because it helps rebuild momentum.

They say momentum can turn on a dime with the smallest mistake; I say, momentum can turn on a dime with the smallest victory.

I remember my first day knocking on doors in Leesburg, Virginia as a sixth-summer saleswoman. I made over 45 sales demonstrations that day and had zero sales. I came to an emotional crossroads of how I would let this day define the rest of my sales season.

I could feel defeated and tell myself, "Looks like it's going to be just another terrible sales season and you really suck at this job."

Or I could lean into the two questions that I chose to ask myself every single day to define my success. The first question I asked myself was, "Did I give my authentic Amber best?" and "Did I love and serve people with integrity?" If I answered yes to both of those questions, then I could tell myself, "Alright, Amber. Great job. Now go to sleep knowing today was a success and that you'll reap those rewards soon."

That decision to speak to myself with kindness was a tiny victory that led to huge success! That small, intangible victory gave me the emotional and mental momentum I needed to have my highest performing sales season of that career! I was the #1 US Female out of 3,500 people.

The last reason why the rebound rule works is because it helps you believe in yourself and in the ability to hit your goals again.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Believe you can and you're halfway there."

Half of the battle in hitting our goals is simply believing we are able to do so.

When taking on new clients I'll ask them, "So is it a skill thing that's keeping you from hitting your goals or is it more of a will thing?"

One loan officer replied, "It's both. I don't have the confidence or desire to prospect because I don't know how."

Once we began working together and he began prospecting more consistently, the numbers started to fall in his favor and his skill started to improve. As he kept taking action and doing the next right thing, he started to see himself getting better at the job. This rise in belief led to a rise in activity and as a result, he had his highest production year EVER.

So now it's your turn! If you fall off the band wagon, do the next right thing right!

Those tiny compounding decisions gave him the confidence he needed to believe he could hit his goals, and I know that rule will help you to hit your goals too.


Amber Jade Lethem

International Speaker | LinkedIn Course Creator | Sales & Leadership Coach